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The Business Case for Upgrading to Microsoft 365 Business Premium 

Have you been hesitant to upgrade your organization’s Microsoft 365 subscriptions from Standard to Premium because you’re not sure it’s worth the extra cost? It’s understandable to be cautious about spending more. However, it might be time to reevaluate the long-term value and return on investment (ROI) that the Premium subscription offers, especially in terms of security. Understanding the Difference Between Standard and Premium Microsoft 365 Business Premium includes advanced security features designed to counter modern cyber threats. In contrast, the Standard subscription offers only basic protection, which may not be enough against today’s sophisticated cyberattacks. Upgrading to Premium better […]

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Stop Lateral Movement with Managed Detection and Response

Stop Lateral Movement with Managed Detection and Response

Cyber threats continue to evolve with alarming sophistication. The unsettling reality is that cyber intruders may already be navigating through your network undetected if you don’t have Managed Detection and Response (MDR) as part of your cybersecurity strategy. Consider this scenario: an employee clicks on a seemingly innocent email link, leading them to a cleverly disguised login page. Believing it to be legitimate, they input their username and password, and think nothing of it. What actually just happened is that they gave their credentials to a cyber-criminal. Once an intruder gains access to an individual’s corporate account they enter the […]

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Single Sign-On: The Short Cut for Streamlined Account Access 

Single Sign-On: The Short Cut for Streamlined Account Access

Do you ever find yourself wasting precious time trying to log into different company systems? Imagine it’s a typical Monday morning, and you’re faced with the all-too-familiar “Incorrect Password” error. Minutes tick by as you struggle to access critical information for an important meeting, leading to a call for IT support and adding to a growing queue of similar requests. This scenario is a daily reality in many offices, transforming what should be simple logins into time-consuming productivity killers. Fortunately, there’s a solution: Single Sign-On (SSO). With SSO, the days of recalling numerous passwords, dealing with account lockouts, and contacting […]

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Lock Up Access to Corporate Accounts with a Password Keeper 

Lock Up Access to Corporate Accounts with a Password Keeper

How do you remember every password you have for all your personal and professional online accounts? Do you use easy to remember information like birthdays or names of family members and pets? Do you have passwords written down on paper? Do you let your web browser store them? Do you a single password that you use for every account you have? If you use any of these password storage tactics, you should change right now because these are all insecure methods of retaining passwords. There’s a better way to store and utilize your passwords and that’s with a password keeper. […]

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The Value of Cybersecurity Awareness Training

What's the value of cybersecurity awareness training?

Cybersecurity awareness training is included with the security services that we provide to our clients here at Bellwether. We do this because we understand that cybersecurity isn’t just about technology. It’s about behavior and training people in best practices so they don’t inadvertently let a cyber intruder onto their device and into their employer’s network. July has become known as Ransomware Month to remind people of the threat that this kind of malicious software poses to companies everywhere. Ransomware is just one kind of malware that pervades the internet. Why focus on this one kind and not the others? Ransomware […]

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Compliance and the Expanding Need for Security Accountability

Compliance and the Expanding Need for Security Accountability

Companies that sell software, manufactured parts or legal services are very different types of businesses, yet all of them have something in common. They’re all faced with an increasing need to prove that they are safeguarding the data that they gather, use and store. Sometimes the need for security compliance comes from legal regulations but for an increasing number of organizations, the need for security compliance is coming from their customers or vendors. In this article, we’re going to explore how cybersecurity compliance requirements are extending into industries that haven’t traditionally been regulated and present an overview of the compliance […]

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Partnering with Your Cybersecurity Services Provider: Your Key Role

Partnering with Your Cybersecurity Service Provider: Your Key Role

Cybersecurity is not just about technology tools and checking the right boxes to make sure all your software is working in tandem. If it was, then security strategy would be a set-it and forget-it process. Unfortunately, there is no easy button for standing up a solid cyber defense and when you work with an outsourced cybersecurity services provider, you have a key role to play in your own security success. In fact, instead of thinking about the cybersecurity services company you work with as a provider, you should think of them as a partner. For a partnership to function, each […]

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How Much Do Cybersecurity Services Cost?

How much do cybersecurity services cost?

Back when your cyber defense was simple, you probably didn’t think too much about the cost. Now that your cybersecurity strategy is more sophisticated and requires a bigger investment, you might wonder if what you’re paying is reasonable. While we can’t give you precise answer to that question, we can help you understand what drives cybersecurity costs. The first thing to keep in mind as you’re evaluating cybersecurity services costs is to realize that there are many different components and it’s hard to separate out a specific cost for each. That would be like going to a restaurant and asking […]

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How to Choose a Cybersecurity Service Provider: 7 Questions to Ask

how to choose a cybersecurity service provider

When you recognize the signs that your internal IT team or small IT support company can’t handle everything that needs to be done with security, it’s time to outsource cybersecurity services. These signs could be anything from experiencing a cyber-attack to your inability to qualify for cyber insurance. Even if you don’t know what to look for, a gut feeling that your business isn’t as protected as it should be is something that you shouldn’t ignore. Managed IT and cyber defense companies like Bellwether are here to bring you the security capability that you don’t have in-house. Not only can […]

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What Roles Are Included in a Cybersecurity Department?

What's roles are included in a cybersecurity department?

It used to be that whatever needed to be done to manage cybersecurity could be handled by a small internal team. It’s a lot different now. There’s too much for one person to do or know. Today cybersecurity is a discipline of its own that includes different specialties. To cover all the bases, you really need a whole cybersecurity department and that’s not feasible for most small and medium-sized businesses (SMB). The way that SMB’s are getting the cybersecurity capability they need is to partner with managed IT and cyber defense companies like Bellwether. By outsourcing, companies get access to […]

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