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Cybersecurity Beyond the Basics: The Principle of Least Privilege

The principle of least privilege

With a Zero Trust strategy for cybersecurity, the presence of an intruder is assumed. That means that tactics are needed to limit exposure and the potential damage that the intruder can do. One of those tactics is the Principle of Least Privilege. Least privilege involves matching up permissions to access data with the job or tasks that need to be done. This starts with determining exactly what data is needed to perform specific functions and then establishing limits. Historically, companies have been quite relaxed when it comes to allocating permissions with user and even administrator accounts because opening up access […]

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The Pros and Cons of Internal IT vs Managed IT Services

There comes a time when small business leaders are forced to rethink the IT function of their business and ask themselves – Should we continue to have internal IT staff or is it time to outsource managed IT services? It could be that the IT manager is leaving or there’s been a lot of turn-over in IT. Maybe the organization had a cyber-attack. It could be that the business has grown, and technology needs have become more sophisticated. Whatever the situation, it’s causing stress on the business, especially if it looks like there’s going to be a gap in IT […]

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Cybersecurity Beyond the Basics: What is Zero Trust?

What is Zero Trust

Imagine that you’re in charge of protecting a castle. The castle has a drawbridge and a moat around it. You have guards stationed at the drawbridge who monitor the people coming into the castle. The guards let citizens in and keep known bad guys out. Because the guards prevent the bad guys from coming into the castle, the citizens can safely go about their business. Now imagine that the bad guys have found other ways to get inside the castle besides the drawbridge. They’re scaling the walls unseen at night. They’re getting past the guards by disguising themselves as citizens. […]

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12 Essential Cybersecurity Measures for All Businesses

12 essential cybersecurity layers you can't ignore

It used to be that cybersecurity for businesses meant creating a technical barrier around their network and data and they were good to go. Sadly, that’s not enough anymore. Cybersecurity risks for business have evolved and so has the technology that your employees work with every day. Your organization is probably using more cloud apps and have your people working from more locations than ever before and cybercriminals would love to exploit the vulnerabilities that you don’t know are there. The bottom line is that yesterday’s cybersecurity strategy isn’t going to address today’s challenges with IT security for businesses. The […]

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IT Not Serving Your Business? It’s Time for Managed IT Services

time for managed IT services

The term “Managed IT Services” isn’t new but unfortunately, there are a lot of companies that say they’re “managed” but they’re really not. How can you tell the difference and how do you know if that’s what your organization needs? Start by asking yourself, “Is IT serving our business?” Here’s what we mean by serving your business. Imagine that you hired someone to take half the workload off your plate. Sounds great, doesn’t it? Now imagine that instead of decreasing your work, it doubled because that person couldn’t do what you wanted them to do without your constant supervision and […]

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Bellwether Technology Corporation Named a Top Workplace In New Orleans

Employee Survey Affirms that Managed IT Service Company is a Great Place to Work for Third Consecutive Year (October 19, 2021 – New Orleans, LA) –Bellwether Technology Corporation is on the Times-Picayune 2021 list of Top Workplaces in New Orleans. This is the third consecutive year that the company has received this recognition as a great place to work. Inclusion on the list is a sign of a positive work environment and a high level of employee engagement based on the results of an anonymous survey that considers 15 separate attributes of company culture that are critical to organizational success. […]

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Is this Website Address Safe to Visit or Login To?

Here are some ways you can decide whether to trust a website link or page in a web browser and tell when things smell phishy. Taking the time to look for signs of a hack attempt in links and websites is like washing your hands; it helps keep you and your co-workers safe, and every adult should know how to do it. We’ll start with the best ways to tell if a link or website is safe or a hack attempt. First, look at the link address you are about to visit. In many cases, you can hover your mouse […]

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Out to Lunch Podcast: Life Online

Bellwether Technology President Steven Ellis joins It’s New Orleans and the Out to Lunch Podcast to discuss online threats and cybersecurity. Give it a listen for some up to date information on how hackers and scammers are targeting businesses. Life Online  

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Employee Spotlight Series: Andrea Woolsey

Andrea Woolsey: the heart of the office Ask anyone at Bellwether, and they’ll tell you how much they love Andrea. She’s warm, hilarious, hardworking, and keeps the train on the tracks. As the gatekeeper for Bellwether’s Chairman, Poco Sloss, Andrea wears many hats. In addition to performing executive assistant duties for Poco, she is a sales assistant, servicing some choice client accounts. No two days are alike for Andrea, but that’s what she loves about her position, “I love that I can jump back and forth from executive assistant work to sales work. There are always wheels spinning!” Andrea first […]

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Employee Spotlight Series: Matt Lax

Matt Lax: Bellwether’s IT swiss army knife Matt Lax’s affinity for technology began at a young age, “I was the weird kid that asked for appliances for my birthday so that I could take them apart and put them back together.” As Bellwether’s Escalation Engineer II, he gets to deploy this passion for problem solving and technological learning by tackling client issues that reach him at the end of the escalation chain. Growing up in Vermont, Matt was exposed to higher education and advanced tech from an early age. His father worked at a university and got Matt involved in […]

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