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Bellwether Technology Corporation Recognized as a Top Managed IT Service Provider

(March 21, 2022 – New Orleans, LA) – Bellwether Technology Corporation is on CRN’s list of the Top 500 Managed IT Service Providers in the nation. This annual list identifies the leading service providers in North America whose forward-thinking approaches to managed services are changing the landscape of the IT channel, helping end-users increase efficiency and simplify IT solutions, while maximizing their return on investment. Bellwether’s consistent presence on the Top Managed Service Provider (MSP) list since 2014 is a sign of their commitment to bringing clients the highest quality of IT strategy and management. While Bellwether provides managed and […]

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5 Benefits of Technology Strategy

The starting place for technology strategy is a mindset. It’s an awareness that IT is more than just overhead, an awareness that IT is not only integral to keep business operations humming along, but that it can be used to move the business forward. While technology strategy includes the utilization of best practices to create and scale high functioning IT systems, there is no cookie cutter template that you can use to create IT strategy. Strategy sets out a path to take you from where you are today, to where you want to go tomorrow and that’s unique for every […]

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3 Ways That Managed IT Services Enable Your Your Business Success

3 ways that managed IT services guide you along your business journey

Wondering if your small business needs the benefits of a managed IT service provider is like asking if you need a guide to scale Mount Everest. Theoretically, you could do the climb yourself but how many years would it take for you to gather all the knowledge you need about the terrain? And how long would it take to get your technical skills up to the level that they need to be? And what’s it going to take to manage the whole expedition? By the time you get it all together you might very well have missed your chance to […]

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The Pros and Cons of Internal IT vs Managed IT Services

There comes a time when small business leaders are forced to rethink the IT function of their business and ask themselves – Should we continue to have internal IT staff or is it time to outsource managed IT services? It could be that the IT manager is leaving or there’s been a lot of turn-over in IT. Maybe the organization had a cyber-attack. It could be that the business has grown, and technology needs have become more sophisticated. Whatever the situation, it’s causing stress on the business, especially if it looks like there’s going to be a gap in IT […]

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IT Not Serving Your Business? It’s Time for Managed IT Services

time for managed IT services

The term “Managed IT Services” isn’t new but unfortunately, there are a lot of companies that say they’re “managed” but they’re really not. How can you tell the difference and how do you know if that’s what your organization needs? Start by asking yourself, “Is IT serving our business?” Here’s what we mean by serving your business. Imagine that you hired someone to take half the workload off your plate. Sounds great, doesn’t it? Now imagine that instead of decreasing your work, it doubled because that person couldn’t do what you wanted them to do without your constant supervision and […]

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“Is This Email Real?” 4 Questions to Ask Yourself

Every day every person with email is put to the test. No matter the job title or position, we all get phishing emails. And no matter your knowledge of cybersecurity, you make the initial decision of whether a message is malicious. So, when deciding whether to call the IT Help Desk, here are some solid, simple tips and tricks from the top to help ANYONE dodge bad guys’ phishing hooks, nets, and spearguns. Not everyone has the time to call their IT provider’s remote support just to check emails every morning. You can follow the ‘WHO, WHAT, WHERE, AND WHEN’ […]

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IT Disaster Preparedness

‘Storm preparation’ is a term with which people across the gulf coast are intimately familiar. Most of the tools we need from June to November (and this year possibly longer) have become second-nature. Sandbags. Non-perishable foods. Battery-operated radios. Flashlights. But in the IT world, there are other tools we use in storm and disaster preparation, devices that are essential to any small business trying to stay afloat during a catastrophic event. As Bellwether’s Data Assurance Engineer, it is my job to use Backup and Disaster Recovery tools to protect our clients. These essential tools preserve a company’s files and servers […]

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Help Desk Services: A Work from Home Necessity

Effective help desk services are critical during this time of increased remote work. Employees can no longer ask the person sitting next to them for help. Instead, they have to figure out a solution on their own or contact the help desk. Unfortunately they are often underwhelmed by the response that they get. Help desk are often understaffed and overworked, so they focus on closing tickets quickly rather than end user satisfaction. Often companies have their own help desks, but aren’t able to provide those teams with adequate training and support. This results in internal help desks that are often […]

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5 Things Your IT Department Should Be Doing Right Now

COVID-19 has presented your IT department with a great opportunity After spending the last few weeks managing work-from-home requests, it is time for IT departments to take advantage of empty offices and quiet networks. Often times, important items are overlooked or put off, because of concerns over user impact. Here are 5 things your IT department should be doing right now. 1. Virtual Cleanup Review user accounts, group policy objects and Active Directory. Get current on all software, firmware, and bios technologies. Perform any maintenance that was postponed because it would require a device to be rebooted. Review configurations. Test […]

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What is a Managed Services Provider

There is no denying that technology has evolved considerably over the last few decades. And if you are a startup or a small business, your IT department may not be able to manage the pace of advanced innovations. It may make your company’s IT more reactive and vulnerable rather than proactive. This can mean your systems struggle to meet the demands of your business in the digital world. If you have never considered opting for third-party support because of cost or any other reason, it is time to make a decision. Let’s dig deeper to find out what a managed […]

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